Flutter App Development - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide
Flutter is an open-source framework from Google used to build cross-platform mobile apps. Let’s see how to start developing apps using Flutter.
Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google that enables developers to create cross-platform mobile applications. It was announced at Google I/O 2017. According to an independent study, the use of Flutter among software developers & mobile app development company has climbed from 30% in 2019 to 42% in 2021.
- Install Android Studio & SDK To install Flutter, you need to download the latest version of Android Studio (v3.0) and the Flutter SDK (v1.2). You also need to make sure that you have installed Java 8 JDK. If you haven't done so yet, please follow these steps.
Create a New Project Once you've downloaded the required files, launch Android Studio and select File > New Project.... Select "Flutter" as the template and click Next. On the next screen, enter a name for your app and choose whether you'd like to use the default directory structure or not. Click Finish.
Add Dependencies To add dependencies to our project, we need to install some packages first. Go to Tools > SDK Manager... Search for "Android Support Repository". Install the package and then go back to the terminal window where you launched Android Studio. Type flutter doctor --android-licenses and press Enter. If everything goes well, you should see something similar to this:
Build the App Now let's build our first app! We will use the Flutter CLI (Command Line Interface) to do so. Open up a new command line window and type flutter run --release. This will launch the emulator and run the app. You should now see the following screen:
Run the App If you're not seeing anything, try running flutter doctor to make sure everything is installed correctly. Once you've done that, you can go back to the terminal and type flutter run again.
Final Words
Great job! You have created your first Flutter application. This should give a good idea of what Flutter is and why it’s so popular. This is just the beginning of your Flutter journey and there’s a lot to cover before you can use it like a pro.